More or Less Homeschooling & Home-making Adventure

I am a work in progress. I am striving to be an encouraging wife, a fun and loving homeschool mother, to learn to homestead, organize, and adapt. I desire to see life more like Jesus and less like the world's view of what's important. I praise God that I am saved by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone! Cuz' I CAN'T DO IT ON MY OWN!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Paddle to the Sea

He have absolutely loved Holling C. Hollings books. So much so that I ordered his Cowboys and his Indian book this week just to have. Paddle to the Sea has been one of our favorites. I wish I had known of these resources when I first read this book with my oldest two. My youngest read it with us but he was so young that I plan to do it with him over the summer. I thought I'd share the web sites that I've collected to use when we read it again. Thank you to all the wonderful ladies on AmblesideOnline and AmbleRamble for sharing these sites over the last year!

Watch a 30 minute movie and read the book online for FREE (But I love to own this one!!):

Follow Paddle with GoogleEarth.

Play the Game.

Cosee Great Lakes exploration

Vocabulary Lists

Activities for each chapter

Great maps at Goalongs blog

Happy Reading!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting these! About to embark with my second DD on yr1
