More or Less Homeschooling & Home-making Adventure

I am a work in progress. I am striving to be an encouraging wife, a fun and loving homeschool mother, to learn to homestead, organize, and adapt. I desire to see life more like Jesus and less like the world's view of what's important. I praise God that I am saved by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone! Cuz' I CAN'T DO IT ON MY OWN!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Projects for 2013

With a New Year comes so many ideas and dreams of how to be more organized and refresh my little home. Last year was a flop with the organization plans that I posted! I always have good intentions and then life takes over. I'm sure that will happen again this year, but I have a plan. Insert me smiling here :)

Rather than posting what I hope to accomplish, I will post what a DO accomplish! I'm always on Pinterest. Why not start making some of those ideas and post them as I finish them!!

OK, with my New Year's plan ready to implement. I'm going to get started!

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