More or Less Homeschooling & Home-making Adventure

I am a work in progress. I am striving to be an encouraging wife, a fun and loving homeschool mother, to learn to homestead, organize, and adapt. I desire to see life more like Jesus and less like the world's view of what's important. I praise God that I am saved by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone! Cuz' I CAN'T DO IT ON MY OWN!

Friday, December 19, 2008

New Chore Chart

We've been using the "I Did It - Chore Chart" for the past 2-3 years. We have loved it and it worked great. But lately the cards are missing. The kids say they can't do their chores because the cards are missing. So, I've been searching for a new format. A friend sent me her chore chart. I found several on other blogs and I combined them with what we already use and came up with a printable, check-off list chore chart. This is our first week using it but so far we are happy. We have a few changes we are making but all in all, it's a nicely organized list. I've kept our colored chore cards that I posted before for each room zone.

When they were much younger and just starting chores, I used the "I Can Do It" Reward Chart. This was a great way to start. The I Did It Chore Chart was a great follow up and now we're on to the next phase in training.

You can view our chore chart by clicking here: 2009 Chore Chart

Happy organizing!

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