More or Less Homeschooling & Home-making Adventure

I am a work in progress. I am striving to be an encouraging wife, a fun and loving homeschool mother, to learn to homestead, organize, and adapt. I desire to see life more like Jesus and less like the world's view of what's important. I praise God that I am saved by grace alone, through faith alone, by Christ alone! Cuz' I CAN'T DO IT ON MY OWN!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Mom Song

Oh, my!! This is so funny!! Enjoy Moms!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is hilarious! We're watching it over and over again. Waiting for daddy to watch it with us now. Thanks for sharing. I hope you don't mind if I share it on my blog - that is if/when I learn how to embed videos on my blog. Are you or your husband Japanese then? Meeko. The only "Meeko" I know is Disney's Pocahontas' raccoon called "Meeko", lol. Blessings, Miiko
